Why Choose Peat Free Compost

Why Should I Choose Peat Free Compost and Why Is It Good?

At The Coconut Compost Company, we’re passionate about creating high-quality alternatives to peat-based compost products. We believe they are not only better for the environment, but also better for your garden.

Farmers and professional growers across the UK and the rest of the world are using coir to grow fruit and vegetables so it is a well-established medium.

Our range has been developed to suit a wide variety of horticultural purposes, from potting on to vegetable growing and everything in between. With discounts available on bulk orders we make it easier and more affordable to make a planet and garden-friendly choice.

Better than “normal” compost?

There is nothing “normal” about peat based composts, which involve extracting peat moss from a precious and fragile ecosystem. Our coir compost is a superior alternative, offering a range of benefits that can help you garden better. Coir compost has excellent water retention and aeration properties and its carbon-to-nitrogen ratio supports robust plant growth. While there are a range of pros and cons to all types of compost, our coir-based compost is a sustainable choice that delivers for your garden.

When should it be used?

If you’re potting plants, starting seeds, growing vegetables, or nurturing houseplants, coir compost is an ideal choice. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, coir compost is a dependable and easy-to-use option that will deliver impressive results. Take a look at our range to find out more.

Why is it peat free?

Peat is traditionally sourced from vulnerable peat bogs, which are critical ecosystems and carbon sinks. Its extraction harms these environments and releases stored carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which contributes to global warming. In contrast, coir is derived from the husk of coconuts, an abundant and renewable resource.

Where can I buy?

With easy online ordering and UK-wide delivery, we make it easy to purchase high-quality coir-based compost for your garden.


  • What are the disadvantages of peat free compost?

    Peat free compost has improved significantly over the years with modern compost mixes matching and in some cases exceeding the quality of traditional peat mixes. However, the composition of peat free compost can vary, leading to differences in nutrient content and performance. You may need to make adjustments to the pH level of your compost to meet specific plant needs.

  • When should you use peat free compost?

    Peat free compost can be used for practically any horticultural purpose. At the Coconut Compost Company, we’ve developed our range to meet the needs of different applications. Plants with very specialised growing needs may need extra nutrient support.

  • Why is peat no longer used in compost?

    Peat is a precious natural resource that takes centuries to develop. It’s home to a rich biodiversity of plant and animal species and when peat is removed this is lost. While peat has been taken for domestic fuel for centuries, large-scale peat removal for the horticulture industry has proven devastating to peatland in the UK and Ireland. Over recent decades, the industry has grown increasingly aware of this impact and has been reducing peat content in compost.

  • Which plants prefer peat free compost?

    Peat free compost is ideal for most garden plants and vegetables, as well as for use as a soil conditioner. It is particularly well-suited for vegetables, flowering plants, herbs, and houseplants. The Coconut Compost Company range has been developed to meet different horticultural purposes.