How to Use Peat Free Compost

How to get the most out of your Peat Free Compost

Peat free compost has a good structure and water retention properties that act as a robust and reliable base for your growing application. If you’re looking to improve your compost to make it more nutrient rich, change the pH level or improve drainage, there are a range of additions you can make.

What should you add?

If you’re wondering how to improve peat-free compost, then there are a variety of possible additions you may wish to consider depending on what you’re growing and how your compost is being used.

To enhance the nutrient content you may choose to add organic fertilisers. Perlite or vermiculite can improve aeration and drainage. Well-rotted organic matter like homemade garden compost or well-rotted manure gives added richness to your compost. The addition of iron sulphate can help lower soil pH and enhance soil acidity, making it more suitable for plants that require ericaceous soil. All of these additions can help you tailor your peat free compost to the particular needs of specific plants and growing applications.

Why does it improve the compost?

Adding different materials to compost is a common practice for improving the overall quality and effectiveness of the composting process. By creating a balanced and diverse compost mix, you can produce nutrient-rich, well-structured compost that enhances your garden’s soil and plant health while minimising waste and environmental impact. Peat free compost allows you to develop the perfect growing medium for your plants.


  • Do plants grow well in peat free compost?

    Plants can and do grow incredibly well in peat free compost. In fact, for a range of horticultural businesses and commercial growers, peat free compost provides the right growing medium for optimal results. Farmers and professional growers across the UK and the globe now use coir to grow fruit and vegetables so it is a well-established product. Peat free compost offers an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to traditional peat-based compost. However, plant success will depend on a variety of factors, such as adequate nutrient content, pH adjustment and the plant’s specific requirements.

  • What are the cons of peat free compost?

    Potential drawbacks of peat free compost can include variations in quality between products, higher costs for some options, and the need to make pH adjustments for some plants. With good moisture retention, the answer to the question ‘does it dry out’ is no. At The Coconut Compost Company, we’ve developed a range of consistently high quality composts that meet the particular needs of a range of growing applications.

  • Is peat free compost as good as peat compost?

    If you’re comparing peat free compost with peat compost you may be wondering which is the best? Peat-free compost can be as good as peat compost, if not better, depending on what you’re growing, your choice of compost and the quality of the brand. Our range has been developed to provide gardeners and growers with the highest quality compost, giving them a real alternative to environmentally damaging peat based products.

  • Which plants prefer peat free compost?

    Peat free compost is ideal for most garden plants and vegetables, as well as for use as a soil conditioner. It is particularly well-suited for tomatoes, flowering plants, herbs, and houseplants. The Coconut Compost Company range has been developed to meet a range of different horticultural purposes, from a multipurpose allrounder, to compost for seeding.